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Our team

We’re a dynamic group of individuals who are passionate about what we do and dedicated to delivering the best results for our clients.

  • team member called Jonathon Espinoza

    Jonathon Espinoza, BSc, Computer Science

    AI/Automation Developer

    Jonathon, from San José, Costa Rica, is in charge of AI, Automation and Microservices. He is a dual French and Costa Rican citizen. He is trilingual in English, French and Spanish.
  • team member called Isaac Fonseca

    Isaac Fonseca, BSc, Computer Science

    Software Developer

    Isaac, from San José, Costa Rica, is a full-stack developer working mostly on responsive UIs. In his free time he enjoys playing the guitar, football and video games. He is bilingual in English and Spanish.
  • team member called Ben Hoinle

    Ben Hoinle, Masters in Linguistics

    Head of Project Management

    Ben, from Munich, Germany, is in charge of the project management and the development of the platform. He speaks multiple languages including German, French, English and Spanish.
  • team member called Heison Navarro

    Heison Navarro, BSc, Computer Science

    Software Developer

    Heison, from San José, Costa Rica, is a full-stack developer working on numerous platforms. In his free time he enjoys playing video games. He is bilingual in English and Spanish.
  • team member called Brendan OHara

    Brendan OHara, MBA, London Business School

    Head of Development

    Brendan, from Philadelphia, USA, is in charge of the development for Via Capita. He has lived in 7 countries including Haiti, Bulgaria, Germany, Colombia, Ireland, Great Britain and the USA.
  • team member called Diana Torres Zapata

    Diana Torres Zapata, Masters in Psychology

    Head of Recruiting & Human Resources

    Diana, from Medellín, Colombia, is in charge of the recruitment and HR. She is a mother of two children, and in her free time she enjoys skating, dancing and cooking. She is bilingual in Spanish and English.

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